In this class i really liked the fact that i got to learn how to type really fast. It built my vocabulary and grammar more. There was so many things in this class that i loved about. Most of all the part that got me to adore even more was learning step by step on how to become a CTR person. Things that just discouraged me was when allot of my classmates would talk allot they just would like to talk over the teacher and it got me really mad because instead of choosing the right they chose to do wrong and it made us stay in class for extra minutes when it was partly never our fault just my classmates that kept talking. Also another thing that discouraged me or shall i say something else i didn't like was that sometimes my classmates wouldn't like to work and Mr.Haymore would try to encourage them to choose the right and do our work but they just wouldn't care and it would really get me pretty mad, also my classmates always laughed at him and it was really rude of them to do that it just showed them as immature kids and it also made them CTW people. Some suggestions i would do to improve this class is pay more attention as possible so it can make me more of an CTR person. I would also try to encourage people that not always do we have to choose the wrong that we shall choose the right because its what makes us a good person, also i will keep practicing my typing tutor. In this class i really did do my best i finished my work, payed attention to Mr.Haymore, gave eye contact to him and i stood quiet while he explained to us what a true CTR person is. I am honestly committed to being a CTR person because its what makes me truly me and its what makes me the person i become each and every day, not only is it to make me a good person but its also for the best. In conclusion, I really truly adored this class and always will i choose the right!
-Samantha Carlos
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Monday, December 14, 2015
For my IDP showcase
my topic was Colon Cancer. My part was to find out the treatments for Colon
Cancer and if there was a cure for it. I learned many things about the topic it
made me scared and it makes me want to go to the hospital monthly for my
checkups. The project benefited me allot it was a part of my grade it was worth
more than anything. I plan to apply this with what I learned because it’s a triumph
level or standard we should say that really builds up a process that helps me
allot. My experience wasn’t so much fun because sadly I couldn’t make it but
because of family business me and my family had to take care of but either than
while I was working for the IDP it really built my communication skills and it
taught me how to work together as a group to succeed as a group and to get a
good grade to reflect us on our Team Work.
" Always do the right."- Mark Twain
This quote means that to always do right like
trying to say always choose the right because its whats best for us and if we
do right then we will soon get rewarded. Always doing the right is nothing
to satisfy people or to impress people its just what you have to do in order
for yourself to be satisfied not others. Doing whats right is the right thing
because it makes you look like a CTR champion. Choosing the right, and always
doing the right reflects whom you'll become and what represents a good person
if you always choose the right and do whats right. For example, instead of
slacking off homework, studying, and preparation for school and you rather go
with your friends and waste time well that really isn't doing whats
right because your wasting your time on something you can put aside
because school work and preparation is more important than going out you may
always have fun but always remember that always doing the right is the most
important standard in your life. In conclusion, always do whats right first
because by doing whats right you might even change the world you may never
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
" If we do whats right, we have no need to fear." - Evan Stephens
This quote means that if you do something good like choosing the right you will have no fear because you did something good. When you do something good there is nothing to fear or nothing to worry about because you did something good that doesn't include anything that will make you a bad person. If you ever fear or worry its because you did something bad which you should not you shall always CHOOSE THE RIGHT! For example, if a person passes by and drops a persons book and you help them pick them up then you don't have to worry or fear of getting in trouble because you did the right thing of helping them. So In conclusion, always choose the right!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015
" Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. The relationship between the soundness of the body and the activities of the mind is subtle and complex. Much is not yet understood. But we do know what the Greeks knew: that intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong."
- President John F. Kennedy
This quote means that Physical fitness is not just to be fit or to have a healthy body its mostly more important about the activities and participation you do towards Physical fitness. Physical fitness is not to see who's stronger than others or who's faster no it is not about that its about what you bring to the table like saying its about the participation you give. For example, in P.E we play volleyball and we get into groups so we can play against other teams our P.E teacher doesn't just fail us for a reason he sees on who tries and participates he doesn't care whether we win or lose he cares whether we try and participate, not just to stand there and not do anything. Physical fitness is not always gonna be about being healthy its gonna be about being intelligent and using your mind and motivation in order to have a great background towards Physical fitness. Physical fitness stands for more than being just healthy and having a healthy body. In conclusion, never think about Physical fitness as something about being healthy think about it as a motivation and a significant perspective in your life.
China is a sovereign state in East Asia. It's the world's most populous country, with the population of over 1.35 billion. China is a cradle of civilization, with its well known history. China had the largest and most complex economy in the world for most of the two thousand years, during which it has seen cycles of prosperity and decline. China is the second largest by land mass. For centuries China stood as a leading civilization, outpacing the rest of the world in the arts and sciences, but in the 19th and early 20th centuries, the country was beset by civil unrest, major famines, military defeats, and foreign occupation. The capital of China is Beijing. Since the late 1970's China has moved from a closed, centrally planned system to a more market-oriented one that plays a major global role. I chose China because one day i would love to go travel to China. It's a very interesting country, I believe that it would be beneficial for me to go. China is not only a interesting place but its also somewhere where my mom went during my age I'd like to travel like she did. My mother tells me it would be a good experience for me as a young adult. We use to have family there well they weren't from there but they moved away over there because that was their dream to live there so they left to go live there but they died for some reasons. In conclusion its practically like for my family if i go.
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