this quote means that if you choose the right and you make good decisions, instead of doing whats wrong then you'll be taken care of. in other words this might mean that good karma will come your way if you choose the right. a bad example of this is say you miss school allot and you never remake or do your work, your never gonna raise your grade if you just don't try, this all adds up to that by not choosing whats right you will face consequences which will bring you bad karma and you wont pass your class. a good example of this is say you help people you will be rewarded with good consequences and good karma will come your way. choosing the right will benefit us not only just to be taken care of good but to be a person that will be noticed for the right decisions they make or we make. choosing the right stands for something big and us choosing the right would be a big deal for doing whats right and by always choosing the right you will have good karma and more coming your way. in conclusion just choose the right in order for you to live happy and be a good person.
Thursday, February 25, 2016
" if you do whats right, if you live the right way, you'll be taken care of. " - Rachel Castillo

this quote means that if you choose the right and you make good decisions, instead of doing whats wrong then you'll be taken care of. in other words this might mean that good karma will come your way if you choose the right. a bad example of this is say you miss school allot and you never remake or do your work, your never gonna raise your grade if you just don't try, this all adds up to that by not choosing whats right you will face consequences which will bring you bad karma and you wont pass your class. a good example of this is say you help people you will be rewarded with good consequences and good karma will come your way. choosing the right will benefit us not only just to be taken care of good but to be a person that will be noticed for the right decisions they make or we make. choosing the right stands for something big and us choosing the right would be a big deal for doing whats right and by always choosing the right you will have good karma and more coming your way. in conclusion just choose the right in order for you to live happy and be a good person.
this quote means that if you choose the right and you make good decisions, instead of doing whats wrong then you'll be taken care of. in other words this might mean that good karma will come your way if you choose the right. a bad example of this is say you miss school allot and you never remake or do your work, your never gonna raise your grade if you just don't try, this all adds up to that by not choosing whats right you will face consequences which will bring you bad karma and you wont pass your class. a good example of this is say you help people you will be rewarded with good consequences and good karma will come your way. choosing the right will benefit us not only just to be taken care of good but to be a person that will be noticed for the right decisions they make or we make. choosing the right stands for something big and us choosing the right would be a big deal for doing whats right and by always choosing the right you will have good karma and more coming your way. in conclusion just choose the right in order for you to live happy and be a good person.
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
" in life as in football, you wont go far, unless you know where goalposts are " - Arnold H. Glasgow

this quote means that we might not go far with our goals and dreams but in order to accomplish them we have to know about your goals and etc. there are many things that will motivate us which will make us succeed which is why we must accomplish them so we'd be in the right track and it wouldn't ruin our reputation. an example of this point of view is say that the teacher assigns us a whole packet for extra credit in class of course we need to take it unless we all get caught . a bad example is just not caring at all and leaving everything and not accomplishing nothing so basically you'll get nowhere. which is wrong because we need to accomplish things in life in order to be prosperous.
this quote means that we might not go far with our goals and dreams but in order to accomplish them we have to know about your goals and etc. there are many things that will motivate us which will make us succeed which is why we must accomplish them so we'd be in the right track and it wouldn't ruin our reputation. an example of this point of view is say that the teacher assigns us a whole packet for extra credit in class of course we need to take it unless we all get caught . a bad example is just not caring at all and leaving everything and not accomplishing nothing so basically you'll get nowhere. which is wrong because we need to accomplish things in life in order to be prosperous.
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
" what's right isn't always popular. what's popular isn't always right. " - Albert Einstein
this quote means that when you choose the right it isn't always popular like it wont be noticed enough to be said as if it were popular. being popular isn't always right because maybe you choose the wrong just so you can be popular most kids are known for things but because of the bad decisions they make that they think are cool. a bad example of this point of view is say your friends are smoking and just to fit in you try it too or you just don't want your friends thinking your lame so that's why you go along with the bad situation that is happening. another example of this point of view is say you go to a kik back with your friends and you see like people just drinking and smoking pot and you on the other hand just doesn't decide to do the wrong things well your outcome would be that you chose the right even if it isn't to be popular because not always is choosing the right popular but not always being popular are you choosing the right. so basically we just don't have to care whether we are popular or not just choose the right that's all what basically matters.
Friday, February 12, 2016
" I hated poverty. poverty is more of a choice than anything else, and i can change that (poverty). It depends upon how hard i want to work, and i decided that i would change it."- Dr. Ben Carson
this quote means that as a child Ben hated the poverty so he decided to do something about it. He studied hard and work hard to become someone in life so that he wont not only be educated but so that he would end poverty from his life. for example he has to choose the right in order for him to become somebody to achieve many things such as ending poverty. a bad example of this point of view is always slacking off and never wanting to do nothing not even stand up for something that is going on a daily basis. i believe for Ben to strive for his dream he had to study hard & care about others such as people who live with poverty & it shows that he stands up for the right things. it was really brave of Ben to do that to his community because not so much people even cared about what was going in life. i basically see it as the people whom went through poverty in life took it as there's not point in living thats why basically they wouldn't care & just give up on their lives. so basically Ben Carson was a huge impact in life towards others & the society (us).
presidents day

presidents day is a federal holiday observed in the united states on the third Monday of February is officially designated as "presidents day". presidents day is intended (for some) to honor all the american presidents, but most significantly George Washington & Abraham Lincoln. Originally established in 1855 in recognition of President George Washington, it is officially called"Washington's Birthday" by the federal government.
the purpose of president's day is to honor all american presidents but most importantly Washington & Lincoln. it is celebrated on the third Monday of February. several ways to honor presidents day is to just show your support & we need to honor it & respect this day.
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
" you cant be right by doing wrong; you cant be wrong by doing right." - Thomas S. Monson
Monday, February 8, 2016
" Enthusiasm makes the difference."- Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

this quote means that enthusiasm makes a difference in someones mood & face expression. enthusiasm comes from what you feel usually when were happy. enthusiasm isn't just an expression but its very important because it keeps you happy & motivated. for example, a girl is competing for a race & she very enthusiastic because its her turn shes most likely to win because she has confidence & courage in herself. a bad example of this point of view is the girl doubting herself & trying to find excuses she wont have to do the race. being enthusiastic is a very good feeling because it keeps you happy most of the time & its just a pleasure. basically, having enthusiasm makes a difference into everything especially on a person it changes them allot like they're mood, they're tone, & they're face expression. if you have enthusiasm things will always turn out great for you.

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