Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Veterans Day
Veterans Day is a public holiday held on the anniversary of the end of World War 1 (November11) to honor U.S veterans and victims of all wars. It replaced Armistice Day in 1954. Veterans Day is not to be confused with Memorial Day; Veterans Day celebrates the service of all U.S. military veterans, while Memorial Day is a day of remembering the men and women who gave their lives and those who perished while in service. Veterans Day took place in November 11. The purpose of celebrating Veterans Day is it to thank and honor all the people that served in all such wars. It is important to show honor on Veterans Day because we need to show gratitude to those that served for us and fought for us and put there life at risk for us. Things we can do to honor Veterans Day is show up at an event to show your pride towards the U.S military. Second you can donate; there are a plethora of wonderful organizations who offer all manner of support, services and appreciation for our service members. Third fly a flag correctly to show your support! Fourth ask someone for their service.  It seems like we all know someone who has served and Veterans Day is a great time to ask them about their service. Lastly, write a letter or poem to someone whom you know that served in the military or still does. I believe that the U.S military is quite the actual heroes in our lives. They take much more risk for us so that they can serve our state or country. They are very brave and have so much gratitude for honoring and protecting our constitution. In conclusion always support and be proud that we have Veterans Day because it is the most important holiday for the ones that protected us and kept us safe and showed gratitude towards our constitution. 

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